March 2018 – Spring, Easter and Starting the garden

Well March started with very stormy weather so if the saying is correct ‘In like a Lion out like a Lamb’ April should start off with nice weather.

After Suzi’s sister went home we had a couple of nice days and I got on with planting my fruit trees – Cherry, Quince, Pomegranate, Paraguayo and Plum. I am hoping that these trees will, when developed, not only provide us with fruit but offer shelter to the fledgling vegetable patch. Behind the trees I have started to terrace the slope. The higher terrace will be gravel with a few cacti and pots, whilst the lower terrace will be my vegetable patch.

We have also decided that the best place for our outside kitchen is to be where there is currently a small raised garden area currently containing two medium trees, a Lavender and two rose bushes. We have moved the roses and  the two trees have been felled by our friend Darren and a start made on moving the soil etc into the terraces.

Preliminary talks with our builder are positive for him to lay the footings for Me and Brian to build in April/May.

We visited the UK at the end of May for Liam’s birthday and also to see the Modigliani exhibition in London. I was named after Amedeo Modigliani and so was very keen to see this exhibition – it did not disappoint us, we loved it! During our three days in London we visited my Aunt and Cousins which was as always brilliant. We also did a bit of shopping – more to follow.

Following London it was back up to Hull to see the family and catch up with friends, we had a great time as its always great to see the kids and other family members. Thanks to both Bryony & Andy and Liam & Rachael for putting up with us. We also managed to partake of every take-away we have missed and several lovely beers.

Although a great stay in Blighty we now go back to España with Suzi’s mum who is staying with us for April.


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