Trip to the lake

Today we decided that we should explore lake Negratin so off we went to look for the hot spa at Banos de Zujar. The lake is about a 40 minute drive from our little hamlet of Los Olivos and you climb up into the mountains before seeing the lake….this is a stunning colour due to the mineral content. We found the baths adjoining a restaurant and decided to talk the waters. Not quite as hot as the Icelandic hot springs but nice and warm. The waters have healing properties and I feel better already!  Didn’t find the actual swimming pontoons on the lake but have now been informed that they were further up the road from where we stopped.

We then went on a shopping trip to a large supermarket on the outskirts of Baza, where we, or should I say Suzi, did some Spanish shopping for a variation of an Adalucian fish stew with ‘Bacaloa’, ‘Gamba’ and ‘Mejillones’. Got a lot of the staples before we work out the local markets, as each town has a market on a different day!

When we got home we found a carrier bag of tomatoes, onions, chilli peppers and a marrow, left by our neighbour Brian. He is a retired manager who has embraced the Spanish life within Los Olivos and gave us loads of useful information: –

  • Free Spanish lessons in the town starting in September
  • Where to get our logs for winter
  • Some local caves for sale
  • The location of the other lakes
  • Where to acquire rescue dogs (that one was for Suzi!)

Sorted out the Skype for Suzi’s sister Gill and were therefore able to get the heads up on Bower family back at home. Tomorrow I will talk to my sister and get the lowdown of the Craven clan.

Tonight I am hoping to see the Perseid meteor shower as the skies are so clear at night, I have never seen so many stars its truly amazing!

Tomorrow is a rest day and on Monday we hope to explore Baza more and start house hunting for real. Let you know how that goes next week.




2 thoughts on “Trip to the lake

  1. It’s sounds fabulous, jealous wish I was there
    We are touring Scotland in the autumn for 6 weeks, one thing for certain we will only need warm waterproof clothes lol
    Next week we go to the Edinbrugh festival with my grandson and his mate
    Take care xx

    1. just settling in Lesley but so far it is good. Going to see some properties on Thursday and Friday. So its quite exciting x

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